• Three Things Sugar Glider Owners Need To Know About Toxoplasmosis

    Sugar gliders are popular pets, but these exotic animals can suffer from a variety of health problems, just like more traditional pets can. Your sugar glider may develop toxoplasmosis, a serious parasitic disease. Here are three things sugar glider owners need to know about toxoplasmosis. How do sugar gliders get toxoplasmosis? Toxoplasmosis is caused by Toxoplasma gondii, a parasitic protozoan that's found throughout the world. Cats are the natural host of T.
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  • Want to Let Your Cat Roam Your Backyard? 4 Ways to Avoid Needing a Trip to the Vet

    Letting your cat outside where they can roam the streets, nearby yards, and the neighborhood may seem like an excellent idea to provide them with endless entertainment, but it is also quite dangerous. It is not worth risking their health and safety to let them outside, even when they wait at the front or back door. All it takes is a nasty bug bite or a run-in with another animal to require a quick trip to the vet.
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  • Three Things Bird Owners Need To Know About Lead Toxicosis

    You probably already know that people can get lead poisoning, but surprisingly, pet birds are also susceptible to this condition. When birds are exposed to dangerous levels of lead, the resulting condition is known as lead toxicosis, and it can cause serious health problems. Here are three things bird owners need to know about lead toxicosis. How do birds get lead toxicosis? Your pet bird can be exposed to lead in many different ways.
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  • Notice Your Lab Is Walking With A Limp? 3 Ways A Visit To The Vet Can Help

    If you have a Labrador Retriever, it's likely that you already know just how active they are and how much they enjoy exercising. While this breed of dog typically enjoys moving around a lot, it's important that you're aware of the hip and joint problems they could have later in life. If you notice that your lab has been walking around with a limp lately, you should schedule a visit to the vet right away.
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  • 3 Ways To Celebrate Your Senior Cat's Birthday With Pet Grooming

    While most people associate pet grooming with dogs, many grooming facilities also offer grooming services for cats. What better way to celebrate your cat's birthday as they reach their senior years then with an extensive grooming service? If you're unsure of what kind of grooming can be done by professionals for your cat, consider some of the following services and how they can benefit your cat. Trim Down Your Cat's Nails
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  • Heat Stroke In Dogs: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, And Prevention

    With summer's arrival, many dog owners may be concerned about heat stroke. Below is an overview of the condition, including causes, symptoms, treatment, and prevention tips. What Causes Heat Stroke in Dogs? Heat stroke is a common occurrence in the hot summer months, and is caused by excessive exposure to heat or high humidity. While many occurrences of heat stroke take place outside, dogs can suffer from heat stroke even if they're inside.
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  • Understanding Radiation Treatment For Your Cat's Hyperthyroidism

    After a physical examination and blood tests, the veterinarian says your cat has a thyroid tumor. You could treat your cat with medication every day for the rest of their lives, but another option is radiation therapy. A single treatment will likely get rid of the tumor and the hyperactive behaviors for good. Here is what you need to know about this treatment, how it works and what to expect when your cat comes home from the clinic.
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  • Sharing Isn't Always Caring: 4 Diseases You Can Catch From Your Cat

    Friendship, love, frenzied chasing of inanimate objects -- cats share beautiful (and hilarious) experiences. But not everything your cat shares is so wonderful. Here are four diseases you can catch from your feline friend. 1. Ringworm: The Not-So-Worm-Like Fungus Ringworm, believe it or not, is a type of fungus that is highly contagious and commonly found in cats. Ringworm has nothing to do with worms, but it does cause bald patches with red lesions shaped like rings.
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  • Abscesses In Chinchillas: What You Need To Know

    Originating from South America, chinchillas are adorable animals with soft, furry coats, large ears, inquisitive eyes and long, hairy tails. Chinchillas are highly active, energetic animals, and, unfortunately, they are also susceptible to certain health problems, including abscesses. Find out why chinchillas get abscesses, and learn more about the steps you may need to take to fix the problem. Why abscesses form An abscess is a normal reaction to an infection. If the chinchilla's body detects an infected area, his or her immune system sends leukocytes (white blood cells) to form a protective wall that will contain the infection and stop it spreading to other parts of the body.
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  • Feline Leukemia: A Guide For New Kitty Parents Who Have Adopted From A Shelter

    As a new kitty parent, you have a lot to worry about, from your cat's eating schedule to his vet appointments. One thing that's important not to skip is education about diseases that could affect your cat if you're not careful. One disease in particular, feline leukemia, is quite common in cats who have spent time in shelters or as feral cats. Read on to learn more about this disease and how to protect your furry friend.
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