Ticks And Your Pets

Posted on: 16 June 2016

Unless you are going to keep your dog indoors at all times, you are going to run into occasional tick problems. You may use top-of-the-line tick repellent, but that does not guarantee that your dog will live a tick-free existence. This summer, you need to implement an effective tick control routine to keep your dog and your family safe from disease.


Ticks can spread many diseases to both dogs and humans. Your pet can carry these pests inside, and if they don't burrow under their skin, these ticks may decide to go after you. Diseases such as Lyme disease, Ehrlichiosis, Anaplasmosis, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, and Babesiosis are spread by these pests. Lyme disease alone can become a chronic condition that causes achy joints, fatigue, and stiffness in both animals and humans. Keeping ticks from transmitting diseases to anyone in your home requires constant vigilance.

Pet Pat Down

A tick may take up between 24 to 48 hours to transmit a disease to your dog, so you should check your pet every day for these pests. You need to gently rub your fingers all over your pet's body. Probe any bumps to see if they are in fact ticks. Make certain that you check under your dog's collar, inside its legs, and between the pads of their feet. Ticks often love to gather behind the ears and can be found on the tail as well. If you find a tick, you need to remove it according to veterinarian guidelines.


Although the removal process is pretty standard, you are free to make a few adjustments. First, you will need protective gloves, pointed tweezers, rubbing alcohol, and a lidded container. You should enlist the help of a friend or family member to help hold your dog steady and keep them calm. Part your dog's hair and use the tweezers to firmly grab the tick near its mouth. Tug the tweezers out in a straight motion so you can get all of the tick out of your pet without breaking the tick's body open. You can spread disease that way. It's also essential that you remove all of the tick. If the mouth is left behind, it can cause an infection. You will need to take your animal to the vet if you cannot remove the tick completely. After removal, put the tick in the jar, and kill it with the alcohol. Use a wipe or a cloth dampened with the alcohol to clean the wound on your pet.

You need to check your dog for ticks and remove them as soon as possible during tick season. Consult your vet if you need help with the removal. Doing so will help protect your pet and your family from disease.
